Saturday, 22 June 2013


Because tumblr is is the place to be these days I decided to make an art blog in addition to my main one Fuego Philippe, where everything I post seems to drown in reblogs of really cool things that I didn't make.

The artsy fartsy one is Fuego's Sketchbook, where I will probably post a lot of the same things that I post on my personal blogspot, Fuego's colored pencils - except without the walls of rambling and text. The people of tumblr don't seem to have the attention span for that.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

The Amazing Eyelamp

Uni decided to give us a project to practice making short movies for our third year. I went with the option of picking a picture and making a story out of it.

I came up with the idea of eyelamps.
Because that is totally not a recipe for creepy things. At all.

Somehow this ended up a bit more violent than what I initially wrote down. I guess that's what happens when you don't really have it fully structured all the way.

I chose not to add sound to this for a couple of reasons:
- I didn't want to do the voice over for the news reporter/commercial commentator myself. I felt like my girly voice would kill any kind of gritty mood this thing has.
- I don't actually have a music track in my head for this one. Just the squeaky sound of metal joints moving and "I have been running too much" breathing.
- If they don't understand the story from this...then I don't think sound adding would do anything for it.