Thinking and pondering....
I have tried doing smooth transitions using the umbrella as different tools, like parachute and boat, but that had me ending up with a gigantic sea monster which would have made it a completely different story. Also it have given me great problems on how to include the patch that is supposed to go on the umbrella before the crash. Ai suggested that I have the patch belong to the girl and it would be an equal exchange, kids trade things all the time, it's how they make friends. So my head have started playing with the thought that the patch might originally be hers, he takes it and the umbrella rips in the process, she gets upset and he realizes he's been stupid and gives it back by patching up the umbrella.
I have now started to think in much simpler terms on how to do the transitions. Maybe a white backgrounds with a few panels on them which the characters interact with, going from one to the other, doing different things in them, almost like the typical "background changing as characters walk along" but in a more interesting way. Not just acting within the colored space, but also with the white space.
Talking and working
Had a little chat with Darren today.
I had done some storyboards for a part between the crash and the hospital visit where you can see the girl getting rushed into hospital and the typical heart blip going in the background. He pointed out that it would make it too long so I decided to cut it. Also, now that I look back on it, I don't really need it since I was blacking her out at the end of the crash. It is actually a nicer transaction just to have the camera black out and then blurredly pull back into focus in the hospital room.
I am having Yan have a go at my characters since my teacher told me to push the illustration style for them. I can't seem to do anything but the storyboard versions of the characters, I guess that's because I have already changed them multiple times before I properly started this project, and now my brain is just going "nope" since I have already had 3-4 hairstyles and colors on the girl and 2-3 on the boy, and about 3 different umbrellas. (-__-')
Anyhow I have started to write down the script, but I think I am doing it a bit wrong so I'll have to go over it again some other time when I'm done writing down the story as it is now.