Friday 15 November 2013

Friends Are Like Umbrellas 4, Crocodile Tears 1

It have been a while since I last updated here.

I have been in contact with a second year that was initially going to be my producer, however she was unable to take it all on so I will have to find a new person for that job.

I finished the animatic for FALU

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, until it was about an hour left before hand in, because the hand in site wouldn't let me upload anything which was a real pain.

I got the drawings of the umbrella done so that it could be modelled as a 3D model by Conner, just like he did with Birger's scooter.
 I have done a test background just to see if I could emulate the looks of watercolor. I find it is quite easy to do in Paint Tool Sai, though I am not quite sure how smart a move it is to use this program since most people use Photoshop. However it is the program which makes it easiest to deal with the effect I am looking for. I know the tutors would prefer industry standard programs, but I wouldn't see the point if photoshop takes two days to finish something that could be done in four hours.

I am having Darren doing a rough little walk of Lia on the background so that I can see what it would look like when I put something on it. I will try out different ways of animating on top of it, I might end up going into photoshop with it if I can't find another way of doing it. Flash has such a distinct look to it unless you -really- know how to use it, so I will look into using TV Paint. However there is the issue of our studio being deemed a less important course by the university and we don't have enough licences at crunch time. So all in all I will try to do a draw over in photoshop instead to see if I can make something that I like. I think I will do that first, and just use it as an example of what I want the style to actually look like when it's finished and pick a program based on that. Or just be one of those weirdos that decide to do roughs in flash to get the time right, import it into Photoshop to do the clean up and coloring in there. At least I know we have enough program licences for those two programs when the deadline is coming up.

I have also gotten a start on the character turnarounds, noticed I am missing the 3/4 view so I think I might have to go and do that one next.

Crocodile Tears
Darren was told his original concept didn't seem to make the environment sizzling hot so I decided to do butt in and do a quick color test with what I have learned from watching CSI:Miami; drown everything in an orange filter at all times.

It was approved by Darren and I did a proper background for him based on the layout he provided me with.

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